Austin Tamil School has chosen to do their community service this year at Central Texas Food Bank. Nearly 46,000 Central Texans, one-third of them are children, are counting on Central Texas Food Bank each week to get nutritious food they need and otherwise they would not be able to afford. Central Texas Food Bank was counting on volunteers help to ensure nobody turned away.

Austin Tamil School Students, Teachers, and Parents participated in the volunteering activity on May-5, 2018 from 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM. The entire group was divided into 4 sub-groups, they inspected, cleaned, sorted and boxed the food donations and made them ready for distribution. In the end, Austin Tamil School had prepared 4647 meals to be distributed for the needy people. Great Job every student, parents, and teachers who participated in this positive community impact service and special thanks to Sakthi Sabapathy for leading the event.

Austin Tamil School is very proud to serve the larger community we are part of.